Extrusion Moulding

Extrusion moulding is a common manufacturing process that shapes materials with the help of a rigid frame called a pattern. The process involves the forcing out, or extruding, of materials through a die in order to create tube-shaped objects. The process starts off with raw plastic materials which are formed at high volumes and using heat. The material we process are Aluminum, PVC, Nylon, ABS, elastomers and more. Extrusion moulding is used to create products with a consistent cross-section.


Extrusion moulding is a common manufacturing process that shapes materials with the help of a rigid frame called a pattern. The process involves the forcing out, or extruding, of materials through a die in order to create tube-shaped objects. The process starts off with raw plastic materials which are formed at high volumes and using heat. The material we process are Aluminum, PVC, Nylon, ABS, elastomers and more. Extrusion moulding is used to create products with a consistent cross-section.